Vortrag „Erfolgs-Energie“ in London
Björn Heede hält in London Vortrag für ein Unternehmernetzwerk zum Thema Erfolgs-Energie. Hier die offizielle Ausschreibung:
Success-Energy – Your way to become a customer and money magnet!
Do you know people, who work hard, but are not successful enough?
Do you know people, who have a good strategy, but are not successful enough?
Do you know people, who work hard and have a good strategy, but are not successful enough?
Maybe you are even one of them. Nevertheless regardless if you just know people, who have this situation or you have the situation your own: You probably feel that there has to be something more than just hard work and the right strategy. Maybe you think of special knowledge, money, or good relations, but there are many examples when people reach a big success in life without having special knowledge, money, and good relations as they started. There has to be something else!
You need the right success energy. With the right success energy, everything gets easier and faster. Get to know Björn Heedes speak the W-S-E success formula and how you can get what you want easier and faster. Attract more positivity in your life – regardless of whether you want customers, money, relationship, or whatever.
Björn Heede – empower yourself!
Björn Heede works since 2009 as a full-time trainer. Before he used to work as a Product Manager and Business Consultant at the European leading software company SAP. After that, he was a Sales Manager at a leading independent investment consultant company in Germany. In these roles, he used to lead also a lot of business presentations for thousands of people. More than 12.000 participants from more than 27 countries joined his seminars.
Mittwoch 17. März 2019
18:30 – 22:00 GMT
Ambassadors Hotel Bloomsbury
12 Upper Woburn Place
United Kingdom
Auf der Anmeldeseite sind nur externe Speaker vorgestellt. Björn Heede ist Mitglied im IMN Netzwerk und wird daher nicht explizit vorgestellt. Du bist dennoch Richtig bei dem event!